Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Chinese are coming The Chinese are coming

First the story:

WASHINGTON — A congressman said Wednesday the FBI has found that four of his government computers have been hacked by sources working out of China.
Rep. Frank Wolf, a Virginia Republican, said that similar incidents — also originating from China — have taken place on computers of other members of the House and at least one House committee.

Entire Story

Now some guesses as to what might have happened:

Someone found spyware calling a server in China, and have jumped the gun, jumped the shark, and has the opportunity to make a story out of nothing.

Someone found probes from China in the firewall logs, and there were viruses caught on Capitol computers that same day - That's it, we've got them now!

There really was an attack from a Chinese source to a government computer, and knowing the government's record on information security - they somehow managed to breach the security measures in place - shocking!

Not to worry though because

"Wolf plans to introduce a resolution that he says will help ensure protection for all House computers and information systems"

I think we can all sleep a little better now

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